ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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Импакт-фактор РИНЦ: 0,784



We introduce the notion of the terms of vector products, which are the first or ortopolozhitelnaya part and the second part or ortootritsatelnaya; further development of this concept is the notion of conjugate vectors, vector differential operator of the surface, the surface gradient, the derivative on the surface, the surface divergence and rotor. Treated surface functions, their surface differentiation and integration. The features of surface functions for which all terms are functions of at least two variables, in addition, surface features have mixed partial derivatives of the second order, with at least one of the mixed partial derivatives of second order of any term does not vanish. We prove a theorem on the restoration of surface features on its surface gradient. We introduce the notion of a linear combination of coordinates and its division by a vector zero and zero imaginary vector operators, pseudo and combined vectors. Is a series of expansions using these operations.


Vector, operator, surface coordinates, gradient, divergence, rotor, ort, positive, negative.

Popov, I.P. (2017) Surface, zero and zero imaginary operators NABLA. Software of systems in the industrial and social fields, 5 (2): 2-11.