An analytical review of automation and technology of water management in the Republic of Uzbekistan is presented, to solve these problems, the work describes the systems of introduction of water-saving technologies, includ- ing drip irrigation in cotton fields, and state support, subsidies, as well as the Concept of water resources development until 2030 in Uzbekistan, which provides for an increase in water use efficiency by more than 1 million rubles. ha by increasing the efficiency coefficient, and updating and reconstructing irrigation networks, as well as reducing electricity consumption due to the reconstruction and modernization of pumping units and engines. The article analyzes the automated control system of the melioration canal as a control object, where classification by the type of circuit solutions is performed, parametric characteristics of the irrigation and irrigation canal control object are given, software and hardware of the automated control and control subsystem are described, which will allow the creation of dispatching systems with simultaneous automation of water utility facilities, innovative solutions for the formation of methods and means of control and management in the water sector are considered.
water saving, automated control systems, water accounting, water management, reclamation channel, water utility, control room, water utility dispatching, pump, pumping stations.
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