ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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The development of society at the present stage is characterized by the constantly increasing role of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human activity. This trend contributes to an increase in adaptability and mobility, but increasingly requires the knowledge of English as an international source of knowledge and experience exchange that allows you to orient yourself in new IT technologies in the world. In this regard, in recent years in Kazakhstan, emphasis has been placed on a trilingual education. To date, a specialist in Kazakhstan should know the state language, our Kazakh language, the second one is Russian, this is the language of our big neighbor, and the English language is needed to enter the world arena. The program of multilingual education in Kazakhstan implies the study of some disciplines in the state, Russian and English languages. This article discusses some issues affecting the teaching of the university discipline "Information and Communication Technologies" in English. The main provisions, requirements to the content and the procedure for the development of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline are indicated, one of the methodologies of the subject-language integrated learning and the accompaniment of the training sessions are considered, taking into account the learning through the prism of a foreign language.


Information and communication technologies, educational-methodical complex, method of teaching, CLIL.

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