ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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Work is sanctified to the problem of determination of coefficient of thermal conductivity on the depth of plot of land of multi-layered soil by means of mathematical and computer design, with data on a terrene. Knowing the coefficient of thermal conductivity, it is possible to determine the geological composition of the soil. The coefficient of thermal conductivity depends on nature of body, his porosity, humidity, pressure, temperature and other parameters. In this article equalization of thermal conductivity is considered through differential equalization in partials the second order. For determination of coefficient of thermal conductivity of multi-layered soil an iteration method essence of that consists in being by close value of size of the next approaching is offered (being more exact). A reverse task is further made and decides. An iteration coefficient is calculated and a numeral experiment is executed. The dynamics of convergence of iteration process is iteration process shown.


Thermal conductivity, iteration method.

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