ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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The purpose of the study is to substantiate the replacement of the foam product with bubbles to their glare when segmenting the image to improve the accuracy of object identification. Examples of instantaneous images of a foam product from a video stream are given, the order of carrying out of the experiment on the study of the interrelations between the linear dimensions of a bubble and glares, and also their areas is given, and the results of experimental data processing are presented. The research was carried out during the period 2017-2018 in the conditions of the company. During the research, methods of mathematical statistics and algorithms for processing experimental data were used. The results of statistical data processing with use of the universal package Statistica showed the existence of reliable correlation between the linear dimensions of the bubble and the glare, as well as their areas. The best is the correlation between the areas of objects, since it has the largest value of the correlation coefficient (0.956), the equation is reliable at a significance level of less than 5%, the coefficients of the equation are significant at a significance level of less than 5% and the heteroskeasticity of the residuals is not significant (the value of the correlation coefficient is 0.29). The presence of a reliable correlation between the areas of the bubble and the glare makes it sufficient to recognize the segment of the image corresponding to the glare, for which regions of low contrast are absent and the shape can be chosen close to elliptical. As a result, the task of recognizing the elements of a flotation foam product on images of a video stream is reduced to the task of segmenting objects of the elliptic shape in the region of high brightness having different orientations on the plane and determining their linear dimensions.


Foam product, video stream images of foam product, bubble, glare, image segmentation, linear dimensions, area, experimental research.

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