ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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The continuous growth of electricity consumption in cities is associated with an increase in the number and quality of life of residents, the development of industry, as well as with the use of electric energy in ever new spheres of human activity. Information processing in the computer-aided design of power supply for residential areas allows you to determine the optimal power and location of power sources, select the best configuration of the electrical network and the characteristics of its elements. The article considers the first element of an integrated computer-aided design of a residential neighborhood - a module for calculating electrical loads. The purpose of the development is to reduce the time and cost of designing urban power supply systems, to eliminate errors in the selection and processing of the neces- sary reference data. The analysis of the initial data made it possible to describe the types of objects in a residential mi- crodistrict, to single out categories and subcategories of electricity consumers. According to the developed algorithm for calculating electrical loads based on regulatory documents, the original software "ElectroPowerCalc-City" was de- signed, which reduces labor costs and possible errors of specialists working in the design and operation of power supply systems.


blast furnace, clustering, neural network, regimes, Kohonen self-organizing map.


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