ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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It is believed that an electric charge moving along a circular path, i.e. with centripetal (normal) acceleration, you must emit photons. The purpose of the work is to establish the conditions for the radiation of an electric charge, based on significant differences between its tangential and centripetal accelerations. Materials and methods. The start- ing point is a credible statement. A number of mathematically correct transformations are performed with it. Therefore, the result is necessarily reliable. From the fact that electromagnetic radiation carries away energy, it follows that the energy of the radiating system changes during radiation. Associated with this is the following well-known rule: the change in energy is equal to the perfect work. The research results can be used in the construction of theoretical models of phenomena and processes, as well as taken into account in technical applications.


radiation, charge, tangential acceleration, normal acceleration, energy, work, photon, spin.


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Popov I.P. (2021) Radiation at tangential and normal acceleration of electric charges in experimental technology. Software of systems in the industrial and social fields. 9 (2): 2-5. DOI: 10.18503/2306-2053-2021-9-2-2-5.