ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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Computer testing technology provides an independent assessment of the quality of education. The characteristics of the test are validity and reliability. For the objectivity of the assessment of students' knowledge, it is necessary to conduct an examination of test items. In the examination of the test must be considered: brevity; consistency; correct form and content; representativeness; compliance with the goals of testing; uniformity of the record of all tasks of one test; variety of forms; variety of structure.


Testing, intelligent systems, forms of testing, Unified national testing, suicide, knowledge base, Kazakhstan, project.

1. Internet:

2. Internet:

3. Internet:

4. Internet: 323.

Brimzhanova S.S., Atanov S.K, Gagarina L.G. (2019) Testing - method for quality control of knowledge students. Software of systems in the industrial and social fields, 7 (1): 36-41.