ISSN (Print): 2306-2053

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A significant part of the cost of finished products in steelmaking is the cost of graphitized electrodes, that is why reducing their specific consumption is a relevant problem. The object of the article is to analyze the efficiency of using electrode cooling when gas is supplied through the axial channel and evaporative cooling of the lateral surface of graphitized electrodes in order to reduce their consumption in three-phase AC and DC electric arc furnaces by studying on computer models. The thermal state of the graphitized electrode during gas supply through the axial channel at the given geometric and technological parameters under the conditions of DSP-50 operation was analyzed. It was found that the use of gas cooling makes it possible to remove the heat from the electrode to a small extent, since the gas entering the axial channel, which has a small heat capacity, quickly heats up to temperatures comparable to the temperature of the electrode itself. Also, using computer simulation, the thermal state and burning of graphitized electrodes for three-phase and direct current arc furnaces with a capacity of 12 tons were analyzed. It is shown that for arc furnaces operating on direct and three-phase alternating current, the use of water cooling of the electrodes can reduce graphite consumption by about one and a half times. It was established that the water supply to the evaporative cooling system is most rational within 1–2 minutes after turning on the current. The use of evaporative cooling of graphitized electrodes in arc furnaces can be recommended to reduce their consumption on existing and designed arc furnaces of small capacity of direct and alternating currents.


Arc furnace, graphite electrode, evaporative cooling, graphite frenzy.

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